Monday, April 21, 2008

Fantastic fight is going on...lots & lots of entertainment and heart breaking moments are on progress.

8 teams. All having 11 best players are fighting for the cup..its very interesting to see the players of same country playing against each other.What an experience will they have.............woo.....!!!

The fight begiens with KNR & BRC in Bangalore.KNR's Brandom MAccullum hits the highest score of T-20's history & KNr wins the match.The day belonged to them & they enjoyed it & so did we........

The second match b/w CSK & KXIP was much more interesting & with the help of Mike Husseys quickest 100 of T-20's history , my favourite CSK won that match & showed that they are muc stronger than any other team. And Dhoni is in this team only & he is very succesfull in every thing he have taken.So I bet that this IPL t-20 tournament will belong to Dhoni & CSK................

SO CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!